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Horfield CE Primary School

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Year 3

Class 7 –Willow Class

Willow bark can help to heal animals. Deer rub their antlers on willow trees if they are hurt.


Class 8 –Juniper Class
Juniper berries are used as a spice in cooking and to make lots of food and drink.


Trip to Cheddar

Recently Year 3 went on a fantastic trip to Cheddar Gorge and Caves as part of their History topic. They explored Gough’s cave and saw the skeleton of The Cheddar Man who was believed to have lived in the cave in Stone Age times. They were also fascinated to see the frozen limestone rivers and stalagmites and stalactites that have formed over thousands of years.

Then they met a Stone Age lady who showed them how people may have survived in those times by hunting, building shelters, making fires and making weapons. 

This is what we are learning, understanding and remembering this year. 

year 3 2023 24 curriculum overview.pdf


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