School Community
Assemblies led by Horfield Parish Church
Every Wednesday, the assembly in school is led by Father David from Horfield Parish Church. They follow the theme set by the school each week and bring into them Bible stories and prayer and singing.
The children are always attentive and keen to participate, which helps to make it enjoyable for everyone.
We also have a termly worship led by Open the Book who bring a bible story to life through drama
Services at Horfield Parish Church
Mass times at Holy Trinity with St. Edmund, Horfield
Sundays: 8 am & 10 am
Thursdays: 10 am
Evening Prayer: Tuesdays and Thursdays 6pm
Mass at Horfield Lodge: Fourth Friday of the Month: 11 am
Healing Mass: Fourth Saturday of the Month: 10 am
Choral Evensong: First Sunday of the month: 6 pm
Holy Days and Festivals: 7.30 pm, as announced.
(Most Sundays there is Junior Church in the Church Hall at 10am - the children then join the main congregation at 11am for Holy Communion).
There are many other services throughout the year, celebrating festivals and saints days - please check the website for any changes or additional information